What Type Of Woman Do YOU Want?

It’s important you ask what you really want in a woman. This will make you more attractive.

Hey it’s Ciaran. This is a question I want you to ask yourself that’ll make you infinitely more attractive.

“Is this woman good enough for ME?”

All the time, I work with men who have no standards for women they want to date, other than the fact that she likes them.

Perhaps this is OK if you just want to pump and dump. But, if you’re looking for a girlfriend or friends with benefits (who is actually your friend), you’re going to need more.

So, this is what I want you to do.

Sit down and think of five qualities that a woman must have if she’s going to be in your life. Then, when you’re out meeting women, screen them to see if they have these qualities.

Like I said before, this will make you infinitely more attractive…

Women admire men who have standards for the people they let into their life.

When you’re screening for these desirable personality traits, she’s going to FEEL that. Deep down, she’ll then know that she’ll have to put a bit of effort in for you to choose her.

It’s a great way to make women chase you.

How to screen women

Once you’ve created a list of five personality traits that your ideal partner would have, you can start screening to see if a woman has these in your initial conversations with them.

Try and do it in a fun and playful way, perhaps by making assumptions.

“You look the type of woman who likes to…”

“I bet you’re the sort of woman who spends her Friday nights doing…”

We’ll touch more on the power of assumptions in our What Do I Say? module

There’s nothing wrong with you being a bit more explicit with your words, as long as you do it in a playful teasing way.

“I have to say I’m usually drawn to women with dyed hair and tattoos because it makes me think they’re adventurous. Have you been on any adventures lately?”

Screening a woman to see if she’s a good fit is a far more attractive frame than trying to impress her. Remember, women want to chase you a little bit. It’s not good to be immediately won over just because she’s hot.

That’s why I recommend you list five personality traits you’re looking for in a woman right NOW.

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