
PUA Lairs PUA Lair Pickup Artist Group Telegram WhatsApp Facebook RSD Inner Circle Groups Real Social Dynamics Game Global PUA Wingman Wingmen Finder Pickup Seduction Wings

The Center Of The Seduction Community

With 310 cities worldwide orgnized into Facebook and Telegram groups, the Game Cities network by Game Global is far bigger than the any other pickup artist forum or network, including the former RSD Inner Circle groups.

Connect with fellow PUA wingmen from around the world and jump right into the action, anywhere around the world. Grow together, share experiences and make the most of absolutely everything. These groups are your personal inner circle for everything game-related, such as going out or asking questions. Unlike other pickup artist forums and groups, Game Global’s groups are extremely organized, active and here to stay.


Game Global Group Rules

You will face a ban across the entire network if you do not comply with the rules.

Joining The Telegram Groups

Telegram groups are for active and real-time discussions, meeting wings and going out to take action.

All Telegram groups have a CAPTCHA button that you will need to interact with to ensure that you are not a bot, and failure to complete the CAPTCHA will result in being automatically kicked after 30 minutes. The CAPTCHA is displayed as a button below the welcome message and will show for 5 minutes. Until you complete the CAPTCHA, you are unable to send messages.

All new members must write an introduction in response to the welcome message, failure to comply may result in being banned and treated as spam. If you join groups and then leave within minutes, you may also be treated as spam. We are dedicated to maintaining the very high quality standard of our groups through moderation. Due to the very high number of joins on a daily basis, our entry process is designed to keep spammers out. Your incompetence to follow these basic instructions is a waste of administrative time.

Joining The Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are for questions, events and other long-term activity. You may also post field reports.

All Facebook groups, with the exception of the Game Global Facebook group, have membership questions that you are required to answer. Failure to answer these questions will result in your profile being blocked from the group or being put on hold for up to 6 months for a decision to be made in January or July of each year. Fake accounts often leave vague answers or no answers, so it is important for you to be specific with your answers so Admins and Moderators can immediately tell the difference and accept your join request as soon as possible.

You must follow Facebook Community Guidelines. See the ‘Stay On Topic’ rules below for the specific rules around the type of Facebook group.

Stay On Purpose & Stay On Topic

These groups are for sharing value, arranging meetups, joining events, finding wingmen, connecting with others on the same journey, forming game houses, making progress and taking action.

Stay on the topic of seduction, pickup, game or self-improvement. This is not a political network, do not discuss politics. This is not a ‘blackpill’ network and we do not endorse or encourage ‘blackpill’ activity. Stay on topic.

Game Global is for primary game (Physical world) discussions. You may discuss primary game aspects of seduction, pickup, game, self-improvement, fitness, business and networking in Game Global. Fitness and business discussions must be posted to the Game Global Facebook group. Do not discuss secondary game in Game Global. Do not request wings or discuss localized matters in Game Global.

Message Game is for secondary game (Virtual world) discussions. You may discuss secondary game aspects of seduction, pickup, game and self-improvement in Message Game. This includes Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Instagram, Facebook, phone, SMS, and much more. Do not discuss primary game in Message Game. Do not request wings or discuss localized matters in Message Game.

Game Cities are for local dicussions and finding wingmen. You may discuss game at a local level. For much broader game topics, use the Game Global or Message Game group.

No Anonymity

You must have a name and photo to be part of any of the groups on Telegram. Do not impersonate others. Do not hide your identity. Do not have emojis in your name. Do not have numbers in your name. Failure to follow these instructions may result in being banned from the entire network. Not having a publicly visible photo will mean that should you fail to follow other rules, the likelihood of your profile being removed is significantly higher.

No Leeching

Do not take members away from the groups or add members into external groups or your own groups. Do not post about or provide links to external groups. Do not post unauthorized content, events, coaching or services. As a member, you are in no position to offer anything paid or anything for free. You are in no position to offer ‘free infield coaching’, for example, and you may not frame any activities in such a way. This is not a group for you to poach clients and you will be removed immediately with no second chances. You have no authority to interact with members as a ‘coach’ of your own kind.

This is an unforgivable offense to the business interests of Game Global and the security of, and for, its members. Your actions may be recorded and given as evidence against you when necessary.

No Negativity

Having a different opinion is acceptable. Being toxic, hateful towards women, and refusing to challenge your beliefs in order to grow is not acceptable. Displaying repeated toxic ideas without ever trying to improve, such as venting your frustrations over and over, pulls the groups down and can get you banned. Mean jokes and dark humor are tolerated within reason and for the purpose of maintaining your frame, but you must be civil at all times.

Do not communicate hate towards women, men, or other people. Do not shame, disrespect or insult others. Do not use the Telegram groups to have arguments or debates. Any and all arguments or debates must be redirected to the Telegram voice chat or the equivalent Facebook group.

No Repetition

Do not post the same message across multiple groups without permission. Post in the most relevant group.

No 'Blackpill'

This is no place for ‘blackpill’ bullshit. This is a place for personality and action, not hopelessness and defeat or distracting members with unactionable discussion. Any discussion around the emphasis of importance in appearance must be posted in the Game Global Facebook group only. Any such discussions elsewhere will be shut down and may result in a ban. This is Game Global, not Cry About Not Being Pretty Enough Global.

Furthermore, you’re not allowed to discuss the whole ‘looks’ thing overall unless you actually have a profile picture of yourself.

No 'Chad' Or 'Alpha' Talk

‘Chad’ is not a real person. ‘Chad’ is an idea that is far from reality. Nobody is a ‘Chad’. Similarly, the term ‘alpha male’ is extremely misunderstood by various online communities. It is a real scientific term, but obsession over claiming oneself as an ‘alpha male’ means that you clearly are not one. It is also unrealistic to chase such ideas when they are incorrect generalizations from the very start.

Reporting Users

Use the /report command in reply to a user’s message to report the user for breaking the rules. A notification will be sent to the Global Admin, which is the fastest way for action to be taken.

Abusing this command is against the rules. Do not waste the Global Admin’s time.

Telegram Restrictions

Users may be restricted and therefore unable to send messages on Telegram groups temporarily as a warning for any behavior that goes against rules but doesn’t warrant a total ban.

However, it is possible for Telegram to restrict your activities without doing anything wrong where Game Global is concerned. This can be confusing, and often there are users who are restricted by Telegram and not by Game Global. In order to check if you have been restricted by Telegram, you can go to @SpamBot, as it may be the case that Telegram users have reported your account.


Moderation is no easy task, it is a time-consuming long term commitment. That is why Game Global has been the go-to community in the industry for years while other communities went extinct. Our dedication to upholding the quality of our community, especially given its complexity and scale, is exceptional.

Our community has one executive Global Admin enforcing all bans, security and moderation and has been dedicated to moderate for years, and will continue for many more years to come. Over the years there have been thousands of spam, scam, troll and imposter accounts attempting to join the network. Moderation has become less lenient, and thus if you are banned and wish to be unbanned, you must pay the $10 unban fee to prove that you value the network and are serious about being a part of it and that you will take the rules seriously when given a second chance.

You will then need to use @UserInfoBot to send your user ID to Global Admin Ice White to process being unbanned.

Some offenses cannot be appealed, such as leeching.

Female Members

Female members must register as legitimate with Global Admin Ice White in order to avoid being automatically banned by the banning system. The Game Global network is mostly made up of males, and the majority of female join requests are spam accounts posing as females. If you are a genuine female human looking to join, you must make your presence known in advance. You may then join the groups, and will also be given access to an exclusive group containing all female members in one place so that you can be introduced to the others and connect with other women.

Field Reports

Field reports must be posted to the Game Global subreddit, and with the Field Report flair. This makes it easy for passionate field report followers to find all historical field reports.

Field reports must be framed as a ‘field report’ and not as a ‘lay report’, according to the Game Glossary.

The Telegram groups will automatically delete all messages after a certain number of days, and so any field reports posted on Telegram will be lost forever. Post to the subreddit if you wish to keep it.


Do not display personal details of people who are not members of the group. Cover up all personal details of any screenshots, photos or videos shared. Do not ever show names, addresses, social media usernames, phone numbers or faces of women it may relate to.

All posts in Message Game must very these rules very carefully. Leaking someone’s phone number or personal information is forbidden.

There is also absolutely no need to share photos and videos of women just for you to say you approached her or had sex with her and hope to receive validation from it. Do not share any private sexual photos or videos.

Game Instructors & Game Leaders

Game Instructors are official instructors at Game Global. They can be identified by their white circle on Telegram.

Game Leaders are local leaders of the local groups known as Game Cities. They can be identified by their blue circle on Telegram.

Game Photographers

Photographers may only host photoshoots and photography sessions with the permission of Global Admin Ice White. Local photographers can be granted clients only after a deal is made and listed in the Game Photographers database. Game Photographers on the database will receive referrals from the network should they present themselves, subject to a reasonable commission for providing you with those clients. The selected photographers will have access to the Game Photographers channel where all information is updated and kept, and where monthly posts about offers are conducted from in order to provide clients each month for the photographers.


You may ask other members and local groups about where to live. You may post about vacancies and availabilities if you are looking for someone to move into where you live, or if you are subletting. Do not post accommodation that is part of a program, immersion, coaching experience or service without permission. You may form game houses. You may also request to join game houses, which are listed on the Game Houses Map.

Once a game house is established, it must be listed on the Game Houses Map.

Terminology & Disclaimer

Game Global is not responsible for members using terminology not recognized by the Game Glossary, but members are required to follow the terminology specified and may face warnings, mutes or bans for failing to follow the right terminology. A bot is used to automatically dispute the usage of terms such as ‘last minute resistance’, which directs people in the group to the Game Glossary.

Game Global is not responsible for comments of members, and is also not responsible for comments of non-members or banned users, which include trolls, unknown users, scammers, spammers, impersonators and other imposters. Furthermore, Game Global is not responsible for the portrayals and claims made by fake news outlets, as these claims were based on imposters and untrue events which were fabricated by fake news outlets in order to gain attention and money. Do not trust what anyone says just because they claim to be an ‘expert’, a ‘coach’, or a ‘journalist’.

Game Global takes a reformist approach to the ‘PUA groups’ and the ‘seduction community’, with the goal to solve various dating and relationship problems for men without any weirdness, creepiness or assault. We are not part of the ‘manosphere’. We are men, and some women, focused on improving our dating lives through social interaction, social media and online dating.


Become A Game Leader, Game Cities for Game Global, the replacement of the RSD Inner Circle wingman PUA groups



Game Global (General Discussions) Telegram Facebook
Message Game (Messaging, Tinder & Social Media) Telegram Facebook


Message Game

Telegram groups for sharing message game screenshots by language.










Reddit communities for field reports.




Game North America, Game Cities, Game Global, the replacement for the former RSD Inner Circles, PUA Group wingmen lair New York Los Angeles Las Vegas Detroit Miami Texas Dallas Austin Game Gods Mexico Tijuana CDMX San Francisco Seattle Toronto Vancouver San Diego Boston PUA Forum Forums



PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Albany Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Albuquerque Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Anchorage Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Atlanta Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Austin Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Baltimore Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Boise Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Boston Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Buffalo Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Cabo San Lucas Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Calgary Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Cancún Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Charleston Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Charlotte Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Chicago Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Cincinnati Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Cleveland Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair College Station Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Colorado Springs Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Columbus Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Dallas Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Denver Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Des Moines Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Detroit Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Edmonton Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair El Paso Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Fort Lauderdale Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Fort Worth Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Fresno Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Grand Rapids Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Guadalajara Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Guam Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Guatemala Wingmen Lair Guatemala Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Halifax Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Hamilton Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Hartford Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Hermosillo Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Honolulu Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Houston Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Indianapolis Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Jacksonville Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Jersey City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Kansas City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Kitchener Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Las Vegas Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Los Angeles Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Louisville Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Memphis Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Mérida Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Mexico City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Miami Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Milwaukee Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Minneapolis Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Monterrey Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Montréal Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Nashville Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair New Orleans Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair New York City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Norfolk Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Oklahoma City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Omaha Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Orlando Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Ottawa Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Panama Wingmen Lair Panama City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Philadelphia Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Phoenix Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Pittsburgh Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Playa Del Carmen Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Portland (Maine) Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Portland (Oregon) Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Québec City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Raleigh Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Regina Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Richmond Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Rochester Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Sacramento Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Saint John’s Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Saint Louis Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Salt Lake City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair San Antonio Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair San Diego Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair San Francisco Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair San Jose (California) Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Costa Rica Wingmen Lair San José (Costa Rica) Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair San Juan Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups El Salvador Wingmen Lair San Salvador Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Dominican Republic Wingmen Lair Santo Domingo Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Saskatoon Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Seattle Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Syracuse Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Tampa Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Mexico Wingmen Lair Tijuana Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Toronto Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Tucson Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Vancouver Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Victoria Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair Washington DC Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups USA United States Of America Wingmen Lair West Palm Beach Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Canada Wingmen Lair Winnipeg Telegram Facebook


Game Europe, Game Cities, Game Global, the replacement for the former RSD Inner Circles, PUA Group wingmen lair PUA Forum Forums



France Ajaccio Telegram Facebook
Game Spain, PUA Inner Circle Groups Alicante Telegram Facebook
Game Netherlands, PUA Inner Circle Groups Amsterdam Telegram Facebook
Belgium Antwerp Telegram Facebook
Russia Arkhangelsk Telegram Facebook
Game Greece, PUA Inner Circle Groups Athens Telegram Facebook
Game Spain, PUA Inner Circle Groups Barcelona Telegram Facebook
Switzerland - Square Flag or Rectangular Flag? Basel Telegram Facebook
Game Northern Ireland, PUA Inner Circle Groups Belfast Telegram Facebook
Game Serbia, PUA Inner Circle Groups Belgrade Telegram Facebook
Bergen Telegram Facebook
Game Germany, PUA Inner Circle Groups Berlin Telegram Facebook
Switzerland - Square Flag or Rectangular Flag? Bern Telegram Facebook
Game Spain, PUA Inner Circle Groups Bilbao Telegram Facebook
Birmingham Telegram Facebook
Italy Bologna Telegram Facebook
France Bordeaux Telegram Facebook
Bournemouth Telegram Facebook
Slovakia Bratislava Telegram Facebook
France Brest Telegram Facebook
Brighton Telegram Facebook
Bristol Telegram Facebook
Brno Telegram Facebook
Belgium Brussels Telegram Facebook
Romania Bucharest Telegram Facebook
Hungary Budapest Telegram Facebook
Canterbury Telegram Facebook
Flag of Wales 2.svg Cardiff Telegram Facebook
Flag of Moldova - Wikipedia Chișinău Telegram Facebook
Germany Cologne Telegram Facebook
Denmark Copenhagen Telegram Facebook
Ireland Cork Telegram Facebook
Germany Dortmund Telegram Facebook
Germany Dresden Telegram Facebook
Ireland Dublin Telegram Facebook
Germany Düsseldorf Telegram Facebook
Scotland Edinburgh Telegram Facebook
Eindhoven Telegram Facebook
Italy Florence Telegram Facebook
Germany Frankfurt Telegram Facebook
Ireland Galway Telegram Facebook
Poland Gdańsk Telegram Facebook
Switzerland - Square Flag or Rectangular Flag? Geneva Telegram Facebook
Scotland Glasgow Telegram Facebook
Sweden Gothenburg Telegram Facebook
Germany Hamburg Telegram Facebook
Germany Hanover Telegram Facebook
Finland Helsinki Telegram Facebook
Spain Ibiza Telegram Facebook
Istanbul Telegram Facebook
Russia Kaliningrad Telegram Facebook
Kaunas Telegram Facebook
Russia Kazan Telegram Facebook
Ukraine Kharkiv Telegram Facebook
Ukraine Kiev Telegram Facebook
Poland Krakow Telegram Facebook
Leeds Telegram Facebook
Germany Leipzig Telegram Facebook
France Lille Telegram Facebook
Cyprus Limassol Telegram Facebook
Portugal Lisbon Telegram Facebook
Liverpool Telegram Facebook
Flag of Slovenia - Wikipedia Ljubljana Telegram Facebook
London Telegram Facebook
Ukraine Lviv Telegram Facebook
France Lyon Telegram Facebook
Spain Madrid Telegram Facebook
Spain Málaga Telegram Facebook
Sweden Malmö Telegram Facebook
Manchester Telegram Facebook
France Marseille Telegram Facebook
Italy Milan Telegram Facebook
Belarus Minsk Telegram Facebook
France Montpellier Telegram Facebook
Russia Moscow Telegram Facebook
Germany Munich Telegram Facebook
Game Greece, PUA Inner Circle Groups Mykonos Telegram Facebook
France Nantes Telegram Facebook
Italy Naples Telegram Facebook
Newcastle Telegram Facebook
France Nice Telegram Facebook
Russia Nizhny Novgorod Telegram Facebook
Nottingham Telegram Facebook
Germany Nuremberg Telegram Facebook
Ukraine Odessa Telegram Facebook
Oslo Telegram Facebook
Italy Palermo Telegram Facebook
France Paris Telegram Facebook
Portugal Porto Telegram Facebook
Poland Poznań Telegram Facebook
Prague Telegram Facebook
Reading Telegram Facebook
Image result for iceland flag Reykjavik Telegram Facebook
Croatia Rijeka Telegram Facebook
Latvia Riga Telegram Facebook
Italy Rome Telegram Facebook
Russia Rostov-On-Don Telegram Facebook
Rotterdam Telegram Facebook
Russia Saint Petersburg Telegram Facebook
Spain Santa Cruz (Canary Islands) Telegram Facebook
Russia Sevastopol Telegram Facebook
Spain Seville Telegram Facebook
Sheffield Telegram Facebook
Macedonia Skopje Telegram Facebook
Russia Sochi Telegram Facebook
Bulgaria Sofia Telegram Facebook
Croatia Split Telegram Facebook
Sweden Stockholm Telegram Facebook
Germany Stuttgart Telegram Facebook
Estonia Tallinn Telegram Facebook
Flag of Georgia | national flag of the country of Georgia | Britannica Tbilisi Telegram Facebook
The Hague Telegram Facebook
Game Greece, PUA Inner Circle Groups Thessaloniki Telegram Facebook
Romania Timișoara Telegram Facebook
France Toulouse Telegram Facebook
Italy Turin Telegram Facebook
Utrecht Telegram Facebook
Spain Valencia Telegram Facebook
Flag of Malta - Wikipedia Valletta Telegram Facebook
Bulgaria Varna Telegram Facebook
Italy Venice Telegram Facebook
Austria Vienna Telegram Facebook
Vilnius Telegram Facebook
Russia Volgograd Telegram Facebook
Russia Voronezh Telegram Facebook
Poland Warsaw Telegram Facebook
Poland Wrocław Telegram Facebook
Croatia Zagreb Telegram Facebook
Switzerland - Square Flag or Rectangular Flag? Zürich Telegram Facebook


Game Asia, Game Cities, Game Global, the replacement for the former RSD Inner Circles, PUA Group wingmen lair PUA Forum Forums



PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Ahmedabad Telegram Facebook
File:Flag of Kazakhstan (3-2).svg - Wikimedia Commons Almaty Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Turkey Wingmen Lair Ankara Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Thailand Wingmen Lair Bangkok Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups China Wingmen Lair Beijing Telegram Facebook
File:Flag of Lebanon.svg - Wikimedia Commons Beirut Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Bengaluru Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Philippines Wingmen Lair Cebu City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Chennai Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Thailand Wingmen Lair Chiang Mai Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Sri Lanka Wingmen Lair Colombo Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Indonesia Wingmen Lair Denpasar (Bali) Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Qatar Wingmen Lair Doha Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups UAE Wingmen Lair Dubai Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Vietnam Wingmen Lair Hanoi Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Vietnam Wingmen Lair Ho Chi Minh City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups China Wingmen Lair Hong Kong Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Hyderabad Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Russia Wingmen Lair Irkutsk Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Turkey Wingmen Lair Istanbul Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Turkey Wingmen Lair Izmir Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Indonesia Wingmen Lair Jakarta Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Nepal Wingmen Lair Kathmandu Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Kolkata Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Russia Wingmen Lair Krasnoyarsk Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Malaysia Wingmen Lair Kuala Lumpur Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Lucknow Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups China Wingmen Lair Macau Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Philippines Wingmen Lair Manila Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Mumbai Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair New Delhi Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Russia Wingmen Lair Novosibirsk Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Japan Wingmen Lair Okinawa Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Russia Wingmen Lair Omsk Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Japan Wingmen Lair Osaka Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Thailand Wingmen Lair Pattaya City Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Pune Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Thailand Wingmen Lair Phuket Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups South Korea Wingmen Lair Seoul Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups China Wingmen Lair Shanghai Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Singapore Wingmen Lair Singapore Telegram Facebook
Taiwan Taipei Telegram Facebook
Flag of Iran - Wikipedia Tehran Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Israel Wingmen Lair Tel Aviv Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Japan Wingmen Lair Tokyo Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups India Wingmen Lair Visakhapatnam Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Russia Wingmen Lair Vladivostok Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Russia Wingmen Lair Yekaterinburg Telegram Facebook


Game South America, Game Cities, Game Global, the replacement for the former RSD Inner Circles, PUA Group wingmen lair Peru Lima Bogota Colombia WhatsApp grupos de PUA Argentina Chile Bolivia Brazil Brasil Venezuela PUA Forum Forums



Archivo:Flag of Paraguay.svg - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Asunción Telegram Facebook
Bogotá Telegram Facebook
Brasília Telegram Facebook
Game Argentina, PUA Inner Circle Groups Buenos Aires Telegram Facebook
Flag of Venezuela - Wikipedia Caracas Telegram Facebook
Game Peru, PUA Inner Circle Groups Cusco Telegram Facebook
Florianópolis Telegram Facebook
Fortaleza Telegram Facebook
Flag of Bolivia - Wikipedia La Paz Telegram Facebook
Game Peru, PUA Inner Circle Groups Lima Telegram Facebook
Game Colombia, PUA Inner Circle Groups Medellín Telegram Facebook
Flag of Uruguay - Wikipedia Montevideo Telegram Facebook
Game Ecuador, PUA Inner Circle Groups Quito Telegram Facebook
Recife Telegram Facebook
Rio De Janeiro Telegram Facebook
Game Chile, PUA Inner Circle Groups Santiago Telegram Facebook
Game Brazil, PUA Inner Circle Groups São Paulo Telegram Facebook


Game Africa, Game Cities, Game Global, the replacement for the former RSD Inner Circles, PUA Group wingmen lair PUA Forum Forums



PUA Groups Egypt Wingmen Lair Cairo Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups South Africa Wingmen Lair Cape Town Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Morocco Wingmen Lair Casablanca Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups South Africa Wingmen Lair Johannesburg Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Morocco Wingmen Lair Marrakesh Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Kenya Wingmen Lair Nairobi Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Morocco Wingmen Lair Rabat Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Spain Wingmen Lair Santa Cruz (Canary Islands) Telegram Facebook
PUA Groups Tunisia Wingmen Lair Tunis Telegram Facebook


Game Oceania, Game Cities, Game Global, the replacement for the former RSD Inner Circles, PUA Group wingmen lair Australia New Zealand Brisbane Melbourne Sydney PUA Forum Forums



Adelaide Telegram Facebook
Auckland Telegram Facebook
Brisbane Telegram Facebook
Canberra Telegram Facebook
Game New Zealand, PUA Inner Circle Groups Christchurch Telegram Facebook
Gold Coast Telegram Facebook
Melbourne Telegram Facebook
Perth Telegram Facebook
Game Australia, PUA Inner Circle Groups Sydney Telegram Facebook
Game New Zealand, PUA Inner Circle Groups Wellington Telegram Facebook


Join The Admin Team

Become A Game Leader, Game Cities for Game Global, the replacement of the RSD Inner Circle wingman PUA groups


Game Maps

Game Maps PUA Wingman Pickup Artist Forum Pickup Artist Forums PUA Lairs PUA Lair Lima London Moscow New York Brighton Las Vegas San Francisco Medellin Cusco Peru UK England London Madrid Barcelona Berlin


Game Houses

Project Hollywood Map The Game Neil Strauss Game House Hustle House Real Social Dynamics RSD Mansion Los Angeles Mystery Method PUA Wingmen


PUA Lairs PUA Lair Pickup Artist Group Telegram WhatsApp Facebook RSD Inner Circle Groups Real Social Dynamics Game Global PUA Wingman Wingmen Finder Pickup Seduction Wings


Miss The RSD Inner Circle Groups?

In 2018, Real Social Dynamics decided to pull the plug on the ‘RSD Inner Circle’ PUA groups, leaving tens of thousands of members isolated from well-moderated communities and local groups. At its peak, RSD had 192 Inner Circle groups. But we at Game Global have beaten that. Since 2018, people have been struggling to find something like it, until now.

The Game Cities are hosted by Game Global, and created by Ice White. It brings you an entire network of localities where you can find like-minded people to approach with for day game, night game and much more.

We encourage you to especially join as many Facebook groups as possible that are listed on this page. We would also appreciate it if you could invite people to the groups.


PUA Inner Circle Groups, PUA Groups, RSD Inner Circle Groups, Pickup Artist Groups, Real Social Dynamics Pickup Wingmen, Events, Seminar, Seminars, Pickup Artist, Wings, Inner Circles, PUA Inner Circles, PUA Forum, PUA Forums, Pickup Forum, PUA Inner Circle Groups, RSDNation, Pickup Artist Lair PUA Lairs Daygame Nightgame Game Day Night Social Circle Meet Wingmen RSD Luke PUA Ozzie Todd Madison Tyler Owen Cook Ice White Derek Mark Manson The Game Neil Strauss Groups Group WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Inner Circles Pickup Wiki Wikipedia

Pickup Artist Forum PUA Forum Forums Pickup Artist Forums UK England USA Canada Australia Russia Germany Deutschland France Italy Italia Spain Mexico Latin America Brasil Brazil Peru Mexico Reddit Seduction Subreddit Ohio Texas California Florida Illionois Michigan Arizona Nevada Maine Massachusetts PUAs India Wings Wingmen Wingman Daygame RSD Inner Circle RSD Inner Circles r/Seduction Tinder Seduction PUA Groups Street Attraction John Anthony Seduction Community Forum r/SeductionCommunity r/DayGame Mystery Method Group Todd Valentine Group Todd V Insider Groups RSD Freetour Free Tour Pickup Artist Bootcamp Reviews Testimonials