6 Steps To Become A Ruthless Action Taker

If you’re a passive apathetic kind of dude, who is sick of letting life pass you by, this is the guide for you.
Hey, it’s Joe.
Picture the situation…
You’re minding your own business. Maybe you’re at the launderette or grocery shopping. Whatever.
Then suddenly, WOW.
There she is.
You don’t know it, but this beautiful woman would make a massive impact on your life. She would adore you. She would change you for the better. She would blow your mind in the bedroom. Maybe she’d become your most beloved girlfriend, or even the mother of your children.
Still, you only have a moment to make it happen.
Perhaps only a few seconds. Plus, you’re nervous to introduce yourself. Do you do it?
A big part of improving with women is training yourself to take action in this moment of truth.
Here are some quick exercises I’d recommend to help you start taking opportunities instead of
Think about the times where you were an action taker and it went well
Maybe you’ve met previous hook-ups or girlfriends from a cold approach situation – where you only have a limited time to introduce yourself? How pleased were you at the outcome? How proud of yourself were you for doing the brave thing? How did your life change for the better?
Write it down. Be detailed!
Think about the times where you were an action taker and it went poorly
Was the outcome really as bad as your fear was telling you it would be? Perhaps you were still proud at yourself for doing the right thing?
Think about the times when you weren’t an action taker – and what could have been
Ok, there’s no way of telling what could have happened if you said something to that woman – but isn’t that just the worst feeling!?
Not only will you go for the rest of your life without finding out, but you’ll also gain zero personal growth from that situation.
It’s the boring option, for sure. Personally I want to live the most exciting and adventurous life possible. How about you?
Get in the habit of journaling
In the world of game, they’re often called ‘field reports’. Whatever you name it, get in the habit of writing down what went and what you could have done better in your day. Dwelling on the successes will inspire you to take similar actions in the future. Dwelling on your failures will be painful, but hopefully that will give you the leverage to do better next time.
Surround yourself with action takers
It’s true that you become the average of the people you spend the most time with. When you’re constantly communicating with people who think it’s cool to take opportunities, you’ll be inspired to do the same.
Join Game Academy
We created Game Academy to help you become the action taker guy who makes the most of his life and grabs the opportunities presented to him.
For starters, with a Game Academy VIP account, you get access to our premium video footage, so you know how to succeed in risky situations.
But you’ll also be inducted in a BROTHERHOOD. We are running exclusive Zoom debrief sessions and sharing calls in our VIP Telegram group.
When you’re a Game Academy VIP, it becomes natural to take all of the steps mentioned above and transform yourself into an action-taker.
However, in order to gain membership at the lowest possible price, you’ll need to take action FAST.
It’s currently on sale at either £29.99 a month or £149.99 (one-off).
The sale ends on 9 June.
Be an action taker and click to learn more >>
Take care,