Getting Phone Numbers From Tinder In 2-3 Messages

Greetings, humans. Back in 2016 and 2017 I stumbled upon something that helped me get phone numbers from Tinder very fast, in as little as 2-3 messages.
A lot of the time it would have been done in up to 6 or 7 messages at most, but today I’m going to filter out EVERYTHING and show only examples where I gained a woman’s phone number from Tinder in just 2 0r 3 messages.
If you don’t know me that well, I’m Ice White and I’m known for the bestselling book The Message Game and interviewing a Tinder employee.
Let’s skip the bullshit. You can see for yourself.
Message Game Example 1
2 messages and done.
This is the original screenshot featured in the book The Message Game, and this is how our relationship started.
I superliked her not because of how beautiful she was, but because one of her photos was taken in a famous nightclub in London that I used to go to. In fact, I even did a video of being VIP there for 60 weeks straight, all for free, without showing ID or being searched. Because of my lengthy social circle game adventures in the venue, I was very much obsessed with it and really wanted to connect the dots.
So we planned to meet, and so we did. We met at an Overground station in London near my house, and I took her to mine for some pre-drinks.
We then made our way to the nightclub, entered as VIPs, and had a great time.
When we made an exit from the club, I took her with me back to my house again; which was made easier to do because of the fact that she had already been there briefly in the first place for the pre-drinks.
Long story short, we obviously had sex, and in our relationship we had sex every single day we saw each other, with the exception of one day where she was ill. She was a model for L’Oréal and was even on TV, but I’m not going to pretend to care only about that. She was also very smart and educated, and I probably valued that a bit more.
It was good while it lasted.
Message Game Example 2
2 messages and done.
I started doing this when I was first using Tinder. It was just natural to me. As an ENTJ, I like to get to the point and move things forward as efficiently as possible. I’m not here to play stupid games, waste each other’s time and dance around instead of taking that step forward.
This was the first of many phone numbers from Tinder that I acquired over the years.
She was a very pale bisexual girl with amazing makeup and blonde hair, but quite alternative. And that’s pretty much my type.
As far as I remember, we didn’t meet straight away. But we met multiple times and she came over to my place twice, and we slept together. Only that each time she came to my place, I was living somewhere else!
Message Game Example 3
3 messages and done.
This was probably the worst date I ever had. It was so bad, you could only laugh.
I thought I was getting into something good with an adventurous girl from Western Canada.
It turns out that going to a war museum isn’t a great idea. It’s one thing to look at the planes and all the small exhibits. But it’s another thing to wander into an entire exhibition about the Holocaust. And there was no way out.
We had to go around in silence, look at stuff, feel depressed and hope that the exit is just around the corner.
It fucking wasn’t. That place was huge.
We parted ways after a gruelling hour of being surrounded by Holocaust reminders and Nazi insignia.
Message Game Example 4
3 messages and done.
I can’t even remember who this was or if it ended up in a date.
Onto the next then.
Message Game Example 5
3 messages and done.
She was a beautiful girl from Brazil with amazing hair.
And that’s all I’ll say.
Message Game Example 6
I guess you could say it’s 2 messages, or 3. Let’s say 2.5 messages. And done.
We ended up meeting and she was really nice and paid for my food and drinks. She was a lawyer.
We never met again after that, our schedules were too crazy and I was going back to Canada for a while.
Success? Failure?
I’ll let you decide what kind of goal you want to reach.
Getting Phone Numbers From Tinder Has Never Been So Easy
It all started with some simple messages I was sending to girls. I then made a Google Docs file, and people shared it like crazy. We made a Facebook group because of it, which is growing larger and larger every single day. And then one day, Ciaran Callam said that I should write a book about it. And so I did.
The Message Game is now considered a classic among some parts of the seduction community, up there with the likes of The Game by Neil Strauss.
I designed it to be extremely practical, filled with hundreds of examples of scenarios, and even included a Situation Index that you could refer to at any moment.
Let’s say that you’re trying to meet a girl from Tinder, and she seems interested in meeting, but she says she is busy because of work, or exams, or something going on in her life. You can turn to the very back of the book where you’ll find the Situation Index, which will list every single page number that deals with that exact situation. This gives you great references to find immediately and learn from instantly.
If that’s not enough, there are pages and pages of frequently asked questions, with my quickfire answers to help remind you of how to message women effectively, get her phone number, and get her out on a date. Without any bullshit in between.
Call To Action
There are two things you can do RIGHT NOW to improve your message game (Messaging with women, Tinder, Instagram, etc).
These will absolutely help you in getting phone numbers from Tinder, turning those Tinder matches and phone numbers into dates, and moving that towards sex or a relationship.
What are you waiting for? Let’s fucking go!