How I Transformed From A Shy & Insecure Virgin

 How I Transformed From A Shy & Insecure Virgin

Ciaran explains how he overcame social isolation, loneliness, confusion and self-hatred to become what you see today.

Hey hey, it’s Ciaran.

A few guys have asked about my backstory, so this three-part series will walk you through my journey.

The truth is that I’m no better than any of you, just probably a bit older (37) and a few steps further down the line, but like you I’ve got my own story to tell.

My childhood, teens and early 20s were filled with misery, social isolation, loneliness, confusion and self hatred, and a massive physical injury that I’ve never really recovered from.

If I managed to overcome all that to get to where I am today then I’ve got no doubts about any of you.



Once I began to excel in my own social and dating life, I felt a calling to help others who were suffering from what I did in the past.

I’m proud to say I’ve made a career out of helping men meet women and find happiness.

During this quarantine period, I have opened up some time in my calendar for some FREE consultation calls for readers of this blog.

In this call, we can discuss any area of your social and dating life that you’d like to improve.

Click to choose the best date and time for me to call you >>.

Take care,


Ciaran Callam

I take men who don’t know how to meet women & give them an abundance they never dreamed possible. I take meek mice & turn them into wild lions. If you follow my instructions I’ll change your life, and that’s a fact.

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