The #1 Way To Get A Text Back

 The #1 Way To Get A Text Back

It has nothing to do with the words you type to her…

Yo guys, a quick reminder.
The #1 way to ensure she texts you back is to have a great face-to-face interaction.
If you do this, your ‘message game’ can be absolute turd, and she’ll often still be excited to get back to you.
On the other hand, no amount of ‘message game’ wizardry is likely to save you if your initial interaction sucked.
But, what makes for a great interaction in this case?
Here are six things to aim for…

1. Stay in set

The more time you spend together, the more she gets to know you, the more comfortable she’ll be about the idea of meeting again for a date.

2. Stay calm and relaxed

Yep, it’s easier said than done in a cold-approach situation. Still, if you can remain calm and relaxed when meeting new women, it helps them to feel the same. Then, they’re more relaxed about the idea of texting back and meeting you again.

3. Make an emotional impact

The emotional impact you make on women slowly starts to drop once you part ways. So, even if she was excited enough about you to swap contact details, that excitement may have faded by the time you message her.
The solution to this problem is to make a big emotional impact when you’re meeting. That means sharing your emotions, sharing your opinions, not filtering yourself, avoiding smalltalk and doing what you can to make yourself memorable (while remaining collaborated and not freaking her out, of course).

4. Close with a story

When you ask a woman to swap contact details, explain why you want to do so. Tell her about the date you’d like to take her on. If you can, try and set a time and date to do it while you’re still stood with her. When you do this and she agrees, she’ll be more receptive to replying to your messages.

5. Find commonalities

If you have commonalities, emotionally connect on a few subjects and would logically appear to be somewhat compatible, this helps a lot. In this case, even when the excitement of being cold-approached by a charming guy wears off, it still logically makes sense for her to text you back and follow through on arranging a date.

6. Connect and communicate on social media 

When you connect on social media, you learn more about each other. This gives you both more relevant topics to talk about when messaging. More importantly, it helps to make her feel more comfortable about the idea of meeting you again.

But, what if we matched online?….

Yes, it’s much harder to achieve a lot of these goals with online dating matches.
That’s part of the reason why I’ve always maintained that real-life game is far more effective than endlessly swiping on Tinder…
Thankfully, it doesn’t look like too long before you’ll be able to get out and meet girls face-to-face again.
And we’re here to help with that!
If you’re looking for a helping hand, I suggest you register for our upcoming webinar on How To Get Girls By Being Yourself.
This webinar is going to be packed with tips on how to naturally attract women without having to adopt a cheesy pick-up artist persona.
We’ll be broadcasting live on Sunday 28 June on Zoom and Facebook at 18.00 BST (13.00 EST / 10 PST)
Click here to book your spot. Those who do will be sent a reminder just before we go live and a replay shortly after we finish.
Hope to see you there!

Joe Elvin

Joe is a freelance lifestyle writer and co-founder at Game Global. His book 'Big Dick Energy' teaches men how to unleash their natural masculine energy and attract amazing women. His book 'The Camera Never Lies' reveals the 17 lessons he learned after filming his dating life for a year. You can learn more at

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