Social Circle Game Progress Report: October 2023, Las Vegas

In October 2023, a lot happened. I flew to Las Vegas for free, stayed in Las Vegas for free, got introduced to Dan Bilzerian, and almost ran into Myron Gaines & Walter Weekes from Fresh&Fit Podcast. This is my October 2023 progress report.
The Penthouse Party
On the night of 30 September 2023, I was at a penthouse party in London. I was invited by former RSD Instructor, Luke Krogh.
This wasn’t just any penthouse. This was a huge multi-level penthouse in Central London, with its own gym, rooftop, balcony and library. It spanned across 3 floors, and it couldn’t be any closer to the center of the city. Any closer would be pointless, because who would want to go to Oxford Street if they had a place like that anyway?
The ratio of the party was very good, and every single woman there was attractive. The vast majority of them were like catwalk models or something; tall and slim.
The Social Circle Game Debate
On 8 October 2023, I hosted a debate between Michael Sartain and Markus Wolf.
Michael Sartain is the best social circle gamer in the world right now, and Markus Wolf is the best night gamer. Markus Wolf is also 2023’s Best Pickup Artist in the world. So it made for a very interesting debate.
So interesting, that even Dan Bilzerian joined the debate just 10 minutes after it had started. Michael Sartain introduced me and Markus to him through the Zoom call.
Over the next few days, I had several discussions with Dan Bilzerian. He invited me to join him in Las Vegas for the end of October.
Coincidentally, my publisher commissioned me to write the second edition of The Message Game back in May, and when we negotiated a deal, I also got my publisher to throw in flights to Las Vegas so I could join an Access Vegas podcast episode hosted by Michael Sartain and Rollo Tomassi.
But that podcast appearance didn’t matter anymore; I had just appeared on JustPearlyThings in September, in front of a much bigger audience. And now the opportunity to go to Las Vegas to meet Dan Bilzerian was a much bigger and more unique opportunity to use this card. Especially if there is a possibility to get Dan Bilzerian’s advice featured in the second edition of the book, since I was planning on introducing a new chapter dedicated to Instagram.
And who better to get advice about Instagram than the guy who became the most followed man on Instagram itself? Dan Bilzerian just happened to be that guy. Although now the most followed man on Instagram is Cristiano Ronaldo. Having a soccer player involved on a book about dating won’t quite be a good match.
It would be a fascinating opportunity to interview him or get his advice on Instagram.
Las Vegas, Day 1 – OMNIA
When I arrived in Las Vegas, I put my suitcase in the place I was staying and dashed out to explore the city.
I was invited to join the MOA (Men Of Action, Michael Sartain’s program) guys at OMNIA. We got in for free.
A short while in, I turned around and saw a guy called Jonny. I had been connected with Jonny online for at least 6 years. He instantly recognized me, and we finally met in-person after all those years. He took me to his table.
I ended up leaving OMNIA pretty early. I had already just been on a 12 hour flight that day, from London to Las Vegas, with an 8 hour time difference. It was like living 2 days within a single day.
Some of the guys I was with at OMNIA were also going, and they were heading to the Sapphire stripclub on Sapphire’s own party bus. So I figured I might as well just hop on and find out more about why they do this… For research purposes…
We got to Sapphire and sat down on some chairs. It was actually my first time in a strip club. Although, years before, I almost went into one with my girlfriend while in Montréal. I just couldn’t be bothered. Who the hell uses strip clubs anyway? I imagine it’s generally for lonely men who haven’t been touched by a woman for a long time. I just don’t understand the appeal of going to one when you already have a good sex life with someone who already dresses up very nicely for you.
Where I come, we don’t have strip clubs. We have nursing homes.
But anyway. Research.
A Colombian girl in heels came up to me and put her hand on my chest. Obviously a sales technique, if anything. I just explained that I’m not here for lap dances or whatever unspeakable acts of Satan may occur in such territory. My wife is Latina, and she wears higher heels than this stripper. Checkmate.
I walked away. I had only been in the place for a few minutes. I decided to head to my place and go to bed.
Las Vegas, Day 2 – XS
After some sleep, I headed to the Wynn Buffet at about 09:00. It is by far the best buffet I have ever eaten at. And I fucking love buffets. I have eaten at great places in Canada, Scotland, Spain and Peru. But a new bar had been set.
It turns out that Myron Gaines and Walter Weekes from the Fresh&Fit Podcast were also at OMNIA. But I left that place early. Shit. It would have been good to get connected with them, so that’s an opportunity I missed out on.
After some roaming around between Wynn and Caesars Palace, I managed to get some free stuff thrown in when buying some items at Caesar Palace’s gift store. Then headed back to my place to drop off what I had acquired.
Toward the end of the day, I headed to Fremont Street. There were women wearing lingerie and heels wanting people to pay for photos with them. But who needs that? I got one at home, and she wears higher heels. Checkmate, bitch.
I then went to the top of the Strat. People were messaging me, telling me to come to XS (At Wynn) later. My phone suddenly lost its data connection, and I was unable to get an Uber to Wynn when I was already out on the streets exploring. So I walked all the fucking way, until I could feel the bones in the feet and legs, and still kept going.
I finally made it to Wynn. As soon as the WiFi connected to my phone, one of the guys from the night before saw me and greeted me. He offered to get me into XS. Seconds later, I was suddenly surrounded by about 6 people or more. Two guys were offering to get me into XS. So we headed inside.
XS has a very simple design. It’s a semi-circle, with a small dancefloor in the middle. You can walk around the edge of the room like you’re going in a circle. That’s where the tables are.
A few guys came up to me when I was there. One guy said that he watched the debate between Michael Sartain and Markus Wolf. He said it was the best debate he had ever seen. I said… ‘Are you fucking kidding me? It was the most stressful video I have ever done!’, as it was happening in the early hours of the morning for me, thousands of miles from everyone else due to my isolated living in Europe.
I then met Brandon & Jesse, two pickup coaches who were happening to run a bootcamp that night. The funny thing is that there was also a social circle game immersion happening at the same time. So I got to witness with my own eyes the rate sight of a pickup artist bootcamp AND a social circle game immersion in the same room, in the same club, in the same city, on the same night.
I dedicated most of my night to watching how each side worked. I wanted to learn something and identify the differences. I have seen plenty of pickup bootcamps before. But social circle immersions were extremely new to me. So I especially had an opportunity to learn from the social circle guys in terms of what exactly they are doing when at the club. I walked across the semi-circled edge of the room back and forth, seeing the pickup artist night gamers one side, and the social circle gamers on the other side.
The social circle guys had tables, but so did most of the people in the club. That was something I began to realize when it came to Las Vegas. Where I come from, nightclubs either don’t have tables, or they have perhaps 4 tables at most. In the places I’m used to, having a table is great. But if everyone in the club has a table, the whole commodity of it just becomes fucking pointless.
However, the social circle guys had a table on the outside, behind the DJ booth. There were only a few tables back there, and nobody was allowed to go through the doorway to the outside area where those tables were, unless they specifically had one of those ‘better’ tables. XS was then less of a semi-circle, and more of a D shape, with the straight edge being an exclusive area for people who have access to the best tables and the DJ booth.
Las Vegas, Day 3 – MOA Summit
In the morning of my third day in Las Vegas, I wanted to have breakfast at a restaurant on the Strip called Egg Shop. I arrived at 10:00. The cashier was super friendly and held a conversation with me on what must have been the chillest, most relaxed atmosphere I had ever participated in while in a buzzing city.
I collected my food from the chef, and the chef started talking to me. I told him why I was in the city, mentioning that I wrote a book. He then got really excited and told me that he wants to write a book. It turns out… I was talking to a celebrity chef, and owner of the restaurant. He showed me photos of him with Antonio Banderas, photos of him cooking on TV shows, and more. He told me his story, and that he wants to write a book about it. Rather than a recipe book, it would be more like an autobiography with recipes includes.
I lit up. Another coincidence was happening. His restaurant was directly opposite the Mandalay Bay hotel & casino, and the restaurant was right in the middle with a perfect view of it. Not even an inch left or right. Right in the fucking middle. My publisher was staying there.
I got him to give me his details, as I proceeded to eat an amazing breakfast that he just cooked for me.
I was expecting to meet Dan Bilzerian on this day, but I knew how busy he can be. I just needed to stay alert and be ready to go at any moment. So I tried sticking to doing things that wouldn’t take so much time. I explored some more of the city. But I didn’t bother getting lunch, because I didn’t want to suddenly need to run if I only just ordered food.
At 14:00, Michael Sartain was hosting the MOA Summit. I decided to stop by, but I had all my filming equipment with me in case I had the chance to interview Dan Bilzerian when he was ready. I met Michael Sartain in-person for the first time, after interviewing him many times since 2021, and releasing well over a dozen videos on YouTube that we collaborated on.
As time went by, Dan said he was still in meetings. I ended up staying at the MOA Summit for longer than I thought, but at least I finally got to sit down.
During the event, a guy intercepted me as I got up to go to the restroom. He introduced himself and mentioned that we met 5 years before in New York. I didn’t remember him, but I started thinking where it could have been.
When I came back, I figured it out. Manhattan, 2018. Right when I arrived in the city after traveling all the way from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia that morning. He invited me to come to some kind of photoshoot event the next day, but I said I would be busy going to Hoover Dam. He gave me his card (A few weeks later, he had me on his podcast).
Right at the end of the event, Dan got back to me. He called me the moment I stepped outside. The timing was godly.
He said that he wouldn’t have time for the rest of the day, and that he had been in meetings all day. But I only had less than 48 hours left in Las Vegas. Time was running out. I pretty much ended up negotiating on the phone, while holding bags and bags of camera equipment, while trying to open the door of an Uber. It was like something from a fucking movie.
I managed to get a solid time for the next day. Finally I could relax. But there was one problem…
It was now 20:30, and I was fucking hungry.
I dropped all my stuff back at the place, and got another Uber to a restaurant I wanted to go to. Sugar Factory. After days of running around, stressing over timing, making every opportunity count, and making the most of my tourism goals, I definitely needed sugar to keep myself alive at this point.
I showed up. Ordered a waffle burger and a milkshake. But I had no fucking idea what I actually just ordered. I got a gigantic waffle burger with a fat beef patty, hash browns, bacon, eggs, sausages, cheese and maple syrup. And my milkshake came stacked with a donut, a brownie, a fat blob of ice cream, another huge brownie, another blob of ice cream, topped with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and stabbed with chocolate sticks. And fries.
While this is normally the kind of stuff I am definitely capable of eating and like ordering, I ended up being stared at by nearby tables as I tried eating it like a zombie who could barely stay awake or sit up. I don’t even drink alcohol. I was just… Dead tired.
I left that restaurant finishing the entire milkshake, and only a quarter of the waffle burger.
I was defeated.
Las Vegas, Day 4 – Meeting Dan Bilzerian
On the morning of 27 October 2023, I was picked up by the guys who started the Game Las Vegas House, for a ride to Hoover Dam. These guys kindly offered for me to stay at their newly acquired house, but I stayed somewhere a bit closer to the Las Vegas Strip. So I felt that I should at least hang out with them while in the city, and suggested a trip to Hoover Dam to check an item off of my tourism list.
One of the guys had his own car, and they were happy to take me there. So four of us headed to Arizona, and arrived at Hoover Dam before all the annoying tourists arrived. I got the photos I wanted, and we left right as the buses started coming in.
The shirt I wore that day had my name on the back, and two of the guys from the game house were Latino. One of them noticed it and made a joke, associating me to Immigrations & Customs Enforcement. They started opening doors for me as we parked at a Chick-Fil-A, or otherwise I would deport them back to Mexico. (And they weren’t even Mexican, they were Costa Rican)
After grabbing food, they gave me a tour of their game house. It was a very nice place. Not being so used to the house layouts of the West Coast, some things were pretty interesting to me.
I then headed closer to the Strip to be interviewed by Brandon & Jesse, the same guys who were running a bootcamp at XS two nights before.
Straight after that, being the fat bastard that I am, I had two lunches in the Cosmopolitan just so I could maintain my energy levels. I had been going non-stop for days, roaming around the city exploring, going to nightclubs, meeting people… I still hadn’t had even 5 minutes to relax.
After roaming the Strip a little more, I then headed to Michael Sartain’s apartment to get ready to meet Dan Bilzerian. Michael’s place is in a great location, but he wasn’t trying to be flashy. He didn’t have a Lamborghini or a Ferrari. He had a PS4 and a table dedicated to his Zoom calls, pretty similar to my setup. I asked him this as we got into his car; why he isn’t as materialistic in terms of possessions as a lot of other people.
His answer was very interesting. You can listen to his explanation on Episode 3 of the Dating Coach Panel, exactly 60 minutes in.
Meeting Dan Bilzerian was interesting. He takes privacy and security very seriously, so I won’t mention the purpose of the meeting exactly. But man, he fucking loves turtles.
Also by a strange coincidence, exactly 2 years and 1 day earlier I had posted a review of his book on this blog.
Finally I had time to rest for about one hour, before going to the next party that I was invited to.
The party was hosted by a client of Michael Sartain’s, from his Men Of Action program.
Since it was almost Halloween, the party’s theme was… Covering women with tape.
Nobody batted an eye, of course.
Las Vegas, Day 5 – Leaving Las Vegas
My last day.
At 09:30, I got to Wicked Spoon. I might as well enjoy another buffet before I go.
It was also my last opportunity to ride the High Roller, near the Flamingo casino. As I got near the top, I watched the planes go by. I saw a few private jets. This made me think… This city has so much potential, especially compared to where I come from. This is when I began to think that living in Las Vegas would actually work out nicely for me.
By the time I got to the airport, I realized that I didn’t even gamble a single dollar at any of the casinos. But the airport has slot machines, so I just put in $20 or $40 so I could at least check that box. It wasn’t quite a casino… It was the fucking airport. But fuck it.
I had achieved so much in 5 days.
When I got back to London the next day, I kept telling people… ‘Can’t believe I left Las Vegas for this shit’… For the next few weeks.
Social Circle Game Club
Every week, I write up progress reports on the Social Circle Game Club Telegram group. I have a 30 minute time slot every Sunday dedicated to writing that week’s progress report. Other social circle gamers are encouraged to do the same.
Sign up to Social Circle Game Club to join the club of Game Global’s most dedicated social circle gamers.