JustPearlyThings Picked Up On Livestream By Ice White

I went on the JustPearlyThings podcast with my wife and demonstrated how to get Pearl’s phone number in just 2 messages on Tinder. She was very impressed and said she would actually go on the date.
Getting JustPearlyThings On A Date In Front Of My Wife (And Living To Tell The Tale)
Pearl asked if we could do a message game roleplay so I could demonstrate to everyone watching how it’s done.
Ice White: Let’s skip all the bullshit. How adventurous are you?
Pearl Davis: Well, I rollerblade.
Ice White: Let’s do it. What’s your phone number?
While it looks very simple, it is important to pay attention to how this actually works. By using The Adventurous Line, I’m attempting to extract information that indicates what kinds of date activities she would enjoy going on. But I’m not directly asking which specific date activities she would pick. I’m simply asking how adventurous she considers herself.
However, Pearl respond with a date activity straight away, making everything super easy. If that’s what she genuinely enjoys, then it can make for a great date. However, rollerblading is such a great choice for a date, because you could hold hands, fall over, make fun of each other falling over and just have fun in so many ways. Not only did she reveal a date idea she enjoys, but she actually picked one of the best possible date ideas for physical escalation.
For more strategies for messaging women in order to get dates fast and effectively, there’s no better book for this than The Message Game.
If you’re feeling a bit lazy, you can also check out MGAI, the AI tool based on The Message Game, which is able to generate smart date ideas like mentioned above. It is designed to provide you with exactly what to say next in your message interactions with women in order to get the date.
You Have No Excuses To Give Me
During The Pregame Show on the JustPearlyThings YouTube channel, I wanted to also hammer into people’s minds that they have no fucking excuses.
In December 2022, my wife had a stroke. Within 2 weeks we were advised by top neurosurgeons that she urgently needed brain surgery due to a brain tumor in the left side of her frontal lobe.
Right after Christmas, she went through 8-12 hours of brain surgery to take out a tumor. It was the approximate size of a tennis ball. All while being awake. Think about that if the idea of going to the dentist scares you.
Obviously, I couldn’t be there. The last thing brain surgeons need is a distraction, and an operating room is not a tourist attraction. But while she was going through this terrifying operation, I was interviewing Rollo Tomassi. At that very moment, I decided to give myself a kick in the ass and initiate full speed in my life.
I can’t sit at home doing nothing while this is happening. I need to do more, I need to build more, I need to be more.
My wife finally returned home in January 2023, and the nurses called very next day, diagnosing her with cancer.
Within weeks, everything changed dramatically.
Since December 2022, she has gone through a stroke, brain surgery, radiotherapy and is now undergoing chemotherapy. She is doing the keto diet and has received a lot of books, videos and recommendations from our fans.
So now I’m going to kick your ass.
Complaining about women, struggling in your relationship, or facing rejection is not more challenging than dealing with cancer.
You have no fucking excuses to give me.
Don’t fucking tell me you’re too ugly to get girls. Don’t fucking tell me you have no hope. Shut the fuck up.
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