In this episode of the Game Global podcast, Ciaran Callam sat down for a chat with a female friend about a man who she had an unbelievably strong sexual connection that lead to countless hours of mind blowing sex. Now just so we’re clear; the point of this isn’t to be lewd for lewd’s sake, […]
Ever had a girl who seemed to like you in person and happily give you her number straight up ignore your messages altogether or stop responding after the first couple? If so then this episode’s for you because in it Ciaran Callam and J MacDaniel Conto go in depth about the different strategies you can […]
Episode 1 – How to build a cool social circle Ever wanted to know how to build an awesome social circle full of cool people? If so, this is for you because in the first ever Game Global podcast Ciaran Callam and J MacDaniel Conto spend 30 minutes talking just about that. Here you’ll learn […]