Podcast #7: How To Get Over Approach Anxiety

 Podcast #7: How To Get Over Approach Anxiety

Every man reading these words knows how it feels to be too scared to approach women. We’ve all suffered approach anxiety at some point in our lives and we’ve all beat ourselves up about it too. You see the woman, and you want to talk to her but fears and insecurities pound their way into your brain, have you do nothing, and leave you regretting it for hours. In this episode of the podcast, Ciaran Callam talks to Jan Düchting about different strategies you can use to kill your inner bitch and approach the women you want to talk to.

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Ciaran Callam

I take men who don’t know how to meet women & give them an abundance they never dreamed possible. I take meek mice & turn them into wild lions. If you follow my instructions I’ll change your life, and that’s a fact.

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