Tags : Dates

MGAI Beta: AI For Online Dating

Message Game AI (MGAI Beta) is an AI bot hosted via Telegram to help you message your Tinder matches and any other messaging interactions you have in the context of online dating.

Best Cities For Meeting Women (2022)

We at Game Global decided to ask thousands of people which city was the best city for meeting women. We have identified the top 20 cities around the world for picking up women.

VIP Onstage EVERY WEEK For 60 Weeks

In January 2018, I gained VIP access to one of the biggest club venues in one of the biggest cities in Europe. This venue had a capacity of almost 1,500 people. It was a great feeling. Here’s how I did it…

Tinder Employee Reveals Secrets For Tinder Success & How Tinder

I asked a Tinder employee lots of questions, and now we understand how Tinder actually works as of 2020 and in 2021. A few years ago I started a project from a single Google Doc, which then became an almighty Telegram group; becoming the biggest men’s dating advice English-speaking group on Telegram. Going down this […]