Joe Elvin

Joe is a freelance lifestyle writer and co-founder at Game Global. His book 'Big Dick Energy' teaches men how to unleash their natural masculine energy and attract amazing women. His book 'The Camera Never Lies' reveals the 17 lessons he learned after filming his dating life for a year. You can learn more at

The Inside Scoop On Online Dating

We have gone above and beyond to discover the best online dating hacks for lockdown season. Hey, it’s Joe  Ever wonder what messages that most guys use on dating apps? In this video, I am reacting to new data that reveals the most common online dating messages sent by men.  Watch the video below to […]Read More

Ciaran Kisses Romanian Bodybuilder

It’s ‘Daygame Friday’ and you can’t afford to miss this one.  Hey, it’s Joe. Want to learn how to kiss a woman you’ve just met in the middle of a cafe? Well, we’ve just uploaded some new audio footage of Ciaran doing this with a Romanian arm wrestler. (Yes, really…) Click here to listen to […]Read More

How To Close A Daygame Approach

This video guide explains how to close your interactions with women in a smooth way. Ever spent hours writing an important essay only to turn your computer off without saving it? That stomach-turning moment when you realise all your hard work was for nothing… I bet you can envision it perfectly. Well, that’s essentially what […]Read More

How To Not Give A Fuck (And Why Women Love

5 Golden Tips To Transform You Into A Carefree Badass The ability to not give a fuck is a superpower when it comes to seducing women. If you can just learn to not care around these hotties, I promise they’ll be far more interested in you. This is the one ingredient you really need to […]Read More