Joe Elvin

Joe is a freelance lifestyle writer and co-founder at Game Global. His book 'Big Dick Energy' teaches men how to unleash their natural masculine energy and attract amazing women. His book 'The Camera Never Lies' reveals the 17 lessons he learned after filming his dating life for a year. You can learn more at

The Best *FREE* Videos In Game Academy

What’s up, it’s Joe. I wanted to take a moment to share the most useful *FREE* videos from Game Academy. After all, it appears that throughout our excitement over our sale on VIP memberships, there are a few people who didn’t realise they could access a lot of the videos without paying a penny. A […]Read More

6 Steps To Become A Ruthless Action Taker

If you’re a passive apathetic kind of dude, who is sick of letting life pass you by, this is the guide for you.  Hey, it’s Joe.  Picture the situation…  You’re minding your own business. Maybe you’re at the launderette or grocery shopping. Whatever.  Then suddenly, WOW.  There she is.  You don’t know it, but this […]Read More

4 Reasons You’re Still Struggling With Game

Hey it’s Joe,  We have met so many guys who put a ton of effort into learning game, but still don’t get better after months or even YEARS. If that’s you struggling with game, read on. We have the solution.  Here are the 4 most likely reasons you STILL suck at game after all this […]Read More

Game Academy Is LIVE

Game Academy Is LIVE. Click here to check it out >> We know that learning game can be intimidating. There appears to be so much to understand, and so many different opinions on how to become an attractive guy. That’s why we’ve worked hard to create this all-inclusive resource, demonstrating everything you need to master […]Read More

How To Run Daygame During COVID-19

What’s up, it’s Joe. In the video below, Dave from ‘One Man’s Life Mission’ reveals the daygame strategy that has brought him incredible success during the Covid-19 pandemic. If you’re wondering whether it’s worth cold-approaching during this lockdown pandemic, this is the video for you. If you want to share your experience of cold-approaching women […]Read More

How To Pull A One-Night Stand QUICKLY

This is an essential skill to learn, whatever type of relationship you’re looking for Being able to pull a woman from a first date – or a bar or nightclub situation – is such an important skill to learn. Even if you’re looking for a relationship, you need to realise you’re in 2020 in the […]Read More

Swedish Babe ROASTS Your Online Dating Profiles

Hey, it’s Joe. The video below was recorded for the original version of Game Academy last year. I found a Swedish babe to rate and review the Tinder profiles of three Academy members. To celebrate Game Academy relaunching, we uploaded it YouTube for everyone to enjoy. We know it can be intimidating learning game. It […]Read More

How To Turn Her On With Your Words

What’s up, it’s Joe. Here are the notes I made during Ciaran’s Zoom call about ‘How To Turn Her On With Your Words’. No boring questions Questions force her to come up with the mental energy to make the conversation interesting. That’s not sexy for her. As the man, that’s your job. Don’t over-invest Say […]Read More