Ice White

Ice is a Canadian bestselling author, and founder of Game Global. His book, The Message Game, is the most practical book on online dating and has helped thousands of men around the world get dates within days of reading it. He is also the creator of MGAI, the AI wingman for online dating.

Every Shit Test: 83 Examples & Responses

According to the Game Glossary, a ‘shit test’ is ‘something that a woman has said to a man that will, based on his response, give her information on whether or not he is strong enough to be worthy of being a boyfriend or sexual partner‘.

Mission 4: Photobomb

Here we go again.   In last month’s mission, we set the task of Halloween Costumes, whereby members must submit a photo of them with at least one woman wearing a Halloween costume, and extra points for no other guys in the photo. Our favorite was Jonnie’s from Game Seattle. He had two Halloween parties, […]

Mission 3: Halloween Costumes

We haven’t done this since the pandemic started, but now we’re starting this up again.   Last time we set a mission, it was The Cheek Kisser. Our favorite was Avery Hayden’s from Game Phoenix, although posted long ago in January 2020, he said ‘I asked for the pictures by saying I wanted to make […]

‘The Setup’ By Dan Bilzerian: A Day Gamer’s Wet Dream

A book called ‘The Setup’ was recently released by Dan Bilzerian, deemed ‘King Of Instagram’ and currently with 32.7 million followers. I am going to be bold enough to call it a sequel to The Game by Neil Strauss. While it contains some stories of money and fame, the underlying message of The Setup is […]

VIP Onstage EVERY WEEK For 60 Weeks

In January 2018, I gained VIP access to one of the biggest club venues in one of the biggest cities in Europe. This venue had a capacity of almost 1,500 people. It was a great feeling. Here’s how I did it…