This is how you can attract women by ‘being yourself’
Discover a basic structure and some expert tips for meeting women on the street.
This is what happens when you supplicate her…
Take a mental note of how you talk to yourself
Getting rejected by a woman is actually good for you in a ton of ways.
Caring too much about what other people think is a prison
Book a free consultation with me to talk about how I can help you smash your dating and sexual goals.
Ever been tongue tied and lost for words with a woman? We all have but don’t worry because Ciaran Callam has got your back. This episode features tips you can use to make sure you never ever run out of things to say to a girl again. Follow Ciaran on IG
In this episode of the Game Global podcast, Ciaran Callam sat down for a chat with a female friend about a man who she had an unbelievably strong sexual connection that lead to countless hours of mind blowing sex. Now just so we’re clear; the point of this isn’t to be lewd for lewd’s sake, […]