Tags : Ice White

Dating Models & Having Sex With Models

Dating models is something that a lot of men dream of. Perhaps it’s a lifestyle thing, but undeniably it’s actually more of a status and beauty thing. So we asked hundreds of men ‘have you ever dated or had sex with a model?’ and the results were quite interesting.Read More

Every Shit Test: 83 Examples & Responses

According to the Game Glossary, a ‘shit test’ is ‘something that a woman has said to a man that will, based on his response, give her information on whether or not he is strong enough to be worthy of being a boyfriend or sexual partner‘.Read More

‘The Setup’ By Dan Bilzerian: A Day Gamer’s Wet Dream

A book called ‘The Setup’ was recently released by Dan Bilzerian, deemed ‘King Of Instagram’ and currently with 32.7 million followers. I am going to be bold enough to call it a sequel to The Game by Neil Strauss. While it contains some stories of money and fame, the underlying message of The Setup is […]Read More

VIP Onstage EVERY WEEK For 60 Weeks

In January 2018, I gained VIP access to one of the biggest club venues in one of the biggest cities in Europe. This venue had a capacity of almost 1,500 people. It was a great feeling. Here’s how I did it…Read More

Tinder Employee Reveals Secrets For Tinder Success & How Tinder

I asked a Tinder employee lots of questions, and now we understand how Tinder actually works as of 2020 and in 2021. A few years ago I started a project from a single Google Doc, which then became an almighty Telegram group; becoming the biggest men’s dating advice English-speaking group on Telegram. Going down this […]Read More