Set yourself up for a brilliant night out with this challenge.
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Every man reading these words knows how it feels to be too scared to approach women. We’ve all suffered approach anxiety at some point in our lives and we’ve all beat ourselves up about it too. You see the woman, and you want to talk to her but fears and insecurities pound their way into […]
My thoughts on when you should and shouldn’t approach a woman.
This is an exercise for those of you who assume bad things before approaching girls.
The biggest ‘PUA’ misconception that most people don’t understand
The title speaks for itself really. In this episode, Ciaran runs through some tips you can follow to have threesomes. Enjoy! Follow Ciaran on IG –
You’ll be amazed how far you can go when you commit to improving your game
Your smooth-as-caramel strategy to ensure she’s excited to hear from you again