Do This To Guarantee She Replies

Sick of meeting women who seem to like you in person but don’t reply to your messages? I’m with you bro and I’ve got you covered, here’s what you need to do:   USE CALLBACK HUMOUR   But what is that? Callback humour is a technique standup comedians use in their sets. Essentially the comedian […]

Dating Models & Having Sex With Models

Dating models is something that a lot of men dream of. Perhaps it’s a lifestyle thing, but undeniably it’s actually more of a status and beauty thing. So we asked hundreds of men ‘have you ever dated or had sex with a model?’ and the results were quite interesting.

How To Not Be Fucking Boring With Words

So before I get started, let me say that it’s ridiculously difficult to keep a woman’s interest with words alone. 93% of your communication comes from your body language, eye contact, and vocal tonality. This means that only 7% of the feeling a woman gets from you in person comes from the specific words you […]

How To Approach Any Girl With Zero Fear Whatsoever

Approach anxiety is something that’s affected every man on the planet so to everyone who’s reading these words you’re in damn good company men. You’re not alone and we’ve all been there.   You see that hot girl sitting across from you on the train and want to start a conversation with her but instead […]

Ping Messages

Something I get asked a lot is what’s the best type of message to send to get a girl’s attention and to that, my dear friend, I always say the ping message.   Now the word ping comes from internet terminology. Basically a modem ping determines if a device is up and running by sending […]

Choose Your Friends Wisely

So there’s another thing I’ve come to learn about success with women, well success with anything to be honest. Basically if you want to really succeed in any area of life you need to surround yourself with people who are on the same journey as you.   There’s people I know who are moody, unambitious, […]

6 Benefits I Gained By Working On Myself Daily For

Yo yo yo. So it’s like this, in 2019 I spent 6 months pushing myself to be the best version of myself. It was a challenge called Project Alpha and in it I literally faced extreme discomfort all day every single day in the name of personal growth. It was one of the most difficult […]

How To Meet Your Dream Woman

If you’ve been watching my content you’ll have seen me posting pics and videos with this woman here lately. Loosely put, she’s my ideal girl and there’s a huge number of things that came together for us to meet. In this post, however; I’m going to focus on the top two which are:   1 […]

How I Learned To Seduce Women With My Eyes

So you’ve probably heard of the inner and outer games, right? Well assuming you haven’t, the out game consists of specific things you do or say to impress a woman and the inner game is all about who you are as a person.   So basically if you walk up to two girls and say […]