Hey hey people So over a year ago I did a challenge called 100 Women in 50 Days. It was a huge learning experience for me which taught me loads about male and female interaction and psychology and honestly one of the best things I ever did. If there’s one takeaway that I […]
10 TIPS TO TAKE HER HOME ON YOUR FIRST DATE Here’s what I have noticed guys doing: Having ‘nice’ conversations on dates Not leading Asking the girl logical questions and talking about logical topics Shying away from sexual topics Having poor eye contact Not touching her Staying in one venue Slut shaming […]
Ooohkay now this is gonna be a bit different to the usual tidbits of info I give out but #fuckit let’s switch things up a notch. Essentially it’s like this, it’s easier than you think to reprogram your brain to adopt whatever beliefs you want to have about yourself or the world and I’ll […]
Discover how to not be creepy with this extensive guide to the four behaviors that creep women out the most.
The fear of rejection stops so many guys from approaching a woman they’re attracted to. Here are 13 reasons to start embracing rejection instead of constantly running from it.
Here’s an embarrassing story. Back when I was first learning how to cold-approach women, I was SO reliant on canned lines and routines. These would be all I’d use, even when I managed to land 1st and 2nd dates. I actually saw a bit of success by doing this. But eventually […]
Wanna know the main thing that makes boring people “boring”?They stay on an even keel at all mother freaking times. But what does that mean? What it means is that they’re afraid to modulate their voices. They’re afraid to go loud, they’re afraid to go low, they’re afraid to be fast, they’re afraid to […]
Girls aren’t like guys. We’re blatant and direct, but they’re very indirect and subtle and that’s expressed to the n’th degree when it comes to dating. When they’re into us they’ll rarely be upfront about it because it’s just not how they operate, so what they will do is drop tiny hints that they expect […]
Discover how to build confidence if you feel ugly with these six expert tips.